buy shares online can be a good way to make a return on your money, but it can be less rewarding if dealing costs are through the roof these alone can snack a sizeable chunk off your investment returns. This guide tells you everything you need to know about buying, holding and selling shares. Plus the cheapest way to buy them and some tips for those who are new to investing. If you’ve had your eye on Royal Mail shares, or have always fancied investing in Marks & Spencer but you’re not sure where to start, the good news is that buying shares is not complicated. The easiest and cheapest way to it is online from what’s called a ’share dealing platform’. These platforms allow you buy shares from any company listed on the stock exchange and various overseas exchanges. There’s the main – the London way, where you get a whole host of companies including the really big players such as Marks & Spencer. Then there’s the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), which lists smaller developing companies that you may not have heard of. Companies get listed on the S.E after they have completed an Initial Public Offering, a process which basically takes the company from being private to public – allowing others to eventually in it. Birmingham, United Kingdom Kingdom.html